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Header Mathilde Saint Pol
  • Corporate
13 December 2021

Is IT still a male domain?

Génération IT, the new podcast channel by SCC France

Génération IT is the podcast of SCC France that talks straight about the IT world. In these podcasts, we interview experts from the IT world who tell us about their problems, the challenges they have faced and those that await them.

Find all the podcasts on your listening platforms: Deezer, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Youtube,…


IT, still a male domain by Mathilde Saint Pol

In this first episode, Mathilde Saint Pol, Chief Operating Officer at Rigby Capital, presents her career as a woman in IT.

20%: that’s the share of IT positions held by women in 2021.

In complete transparency, Mathilde explains how she built her career in a male environment, reaching today a position of responsibility. The main reason for this is the gender clichés associated with technical jobs, which have long discouraged women from choosing a career in IT. She tells us how she had to be more demanding with herself, facing up to preconceived ideas and bringing her added value, notably thanks to her vision as a woman without ever wanting to play at being a man. An example of a journey, both on a human and professional level, but which shows us once again the inequalities between men and women. An interview that reveals to us axes of progress in the company and in our society, and encourages us to go further.

Have a good listen!

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